First Name
Last Name
• Refrain from alcohol use for at least a minimum of 48 hours prior to the Kambo treatment
• Refrain from recreational drug use for at least a minimum of 48 hours prior to Kambo treatment and after.
• Consume no food a minimum of 8 hours before Kambo treatment.
• Consume only a few sips of still water on the day of the Kambo treatment, absolute maximum of 500ml.
• Refrain from Water fasting & fasting 48 hours prior. A good meal is recommended the day before Kambo.
• Refrain from using distilled water, enemas, colonics, saunas or sweat lodges 48 hours prior to Kambo treatment.
• Refrain from receiving Kambo whilst taking antibiotics. Kambo can be taken after the course of antibiotics has been finished.
• Where Benzodiazepines are used regularly or dependently, the individual must be fully withdrawn from the medication under the guidance of a health professional for a minimum
of 4 weeks prior to the treatment.
• All Opioid dependency or Opiates taken daily will need to be stopped entirely for a min of 2 weeks prior to treatment (codeine, tramadol, morphine, oxycontin, fentanyl,
buprenorphine, methadone, heroin).
Active ulcers
Alcohol Dependence
Addison’s Disease
Brain issues (any)
Blood Clots
Chemotherapy or Chemo Drugs in the last 6 Weeks
Drug dependency (inc opioids + benzos)
Diarrhoea that has lasted for several days
Gastric Sleeve or band
Heart issues
Organ transplant or organ transplant medication
Bipolar, schizophrenia, schizo affective disorders, psychosis, personality disorders.
Medicated low blood pressure
Surgery in the last 8 weeks
Pregnant or receiving IVF
Pancreatic issues
Breastfeeding - Under 6 Months.
Child birth in the last 21 days
Bufo in the previous 8 weeks
COVID Vaccination in the previous 8 weeks
1. Antipsychotics
2. Antiepileptics
3. Antidiuretics (suitable for Kambo 5 days after cessation)
4. Diuretics
5. Antibiotics (best taken alone without Kambo)
6. Benzodiazepines (full withdrawal for minimum 4 weeks prior)
7. Alcohol or recreational drugs (abstain for at least 48 hours prior)
8. Any drug or alcohol dependency must be declared in the health form
9. Most medications (such as Anti-depressants and contraceptive pill) can be avoided on the morning of the treatment and then taken immediately after the treatment
Note: This list may not be exhaustive, and there may be other medications or conditions that are contraindicated for Kambo treatment. It's essential for you to disclose all relevant medical
information to me before undergoing a treatment.
Please list any health conditions you may have
Please list any previously diagnosed or current mental health issues.
How would you describe your current mental state?
Please list all medications that you are taking, including drug use.
Have you had Kambo before?
What is your reason/intention for receiving Kambo?
I acknowledge that KPA practitioners are not medical doctors or any other form of medical practitioner.
I understand that KPA practitioners do not diagnose diseases, offer health advice, treat physical or mental health issues, or prescribe medicine or pharmaceuticals.
I accept that any complementary therapy treatment I receive is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment by a qualified medical practitioner.
I understand that it is recommended I consult a qualified medical practitioner for any physical or psychological problem I have now or in the future.
I confirm that all the details I have provided are true and accurate.
I understand that everyone’s Kambo experience is different. While Kambo has created outstanding results for others, I acknowledge that the KPA and KPA Kambo practitioner cannot guarantee any specific results.
I am aware that Kambo fertility success rates vary from person to person and that it may not work for me.
I hereby release the KPA and the KPA Kambo practitioner from all liability resulting from the use of equipment, materials, preparations, remedies, or treatments. I assume full responsibility for all risks associated with this treatment.
We reserve the right to refuse our services to anyone without explanation.
If a client has any contraindication, we reserve the right to not work with them.
If a session/course is canceled less than 48 hours before the session, no refund will be given. Unless under extreme circumstances, no refunds will be given at all, only a credit note under exceptional circumstances.
We expect all clients to agree to our disclaimer before we work with them.
Kambo Rebirth and the KPA are not accountable for any results or effects you may or may not experience through Kambo and our Kambo sessions.
Any cancellations made more than 48 hours before the session will receive a 50% refund or a credit note for the value of the treatment.